Tigra Form Validator Softcomplex logo
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Tigra Form Validator Demo #1 - Registration Form Validation
Please, check out the form on the right hand side. Its input is validated by Tigra Form Validator. Feel free to test the form in all possible ways.

Various data formats - Tigra Form Validator can be set up to verify form field entered data to meet most frequently used patterns

Set Up Error Reporting - customize Tigra Form Validator to report of errors while adding it to your HTML document

Cost Saving Component - Don't waste your time coding validation routine all over again for each new project. Find universal solution in Tigra Form Validator easy and flexibly customization


Register User  

 Title:  First Name:  Last Name:
 Company:  Company Number:
 Street address:
 Street Address ln2:
 City:  County:  Post Code:
 Country:  Telephone Number:
 General info:

  • The above is a sample complex registration form. Despite a number of fields Tigra Validator helps to fill it easily step-by-step - just fill the first field, press "Enter" and fill focus will be shifted to next required or misfilled field
  • Captions of wrongly filled fields are highlighted with red colored bold font on form submit try
  • "First Name", "Last Name", "Company", "Company Number", "Street Address", "City", "Post Code", "Country", "Telephone Number", "E-mail" and "General information" are required fields
  • See that select-boxes are checked if a value selected in them as well
  • "Submit" and "Reset" button go disabled when form validation is successfull

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